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Computer Fundamental Part 2

51. The part of a computer that coordinates all its functions is called its....

A . ROM program
B . System board
C . Arithmetic logic unit
D . Control unit

52. In an information system, alphanumeric data normally takes the form of …………..

A . Sentences and paragraphs
B . Numbers and alphabetical characters
C . Graphic shapes and figures
D . Human voices and other sounds

53. Memory unit is one part of ...

A . Control unit
B . Central Processing Unit
C . Input device
D . Output device

54. Computer ………….. is whatever is typed, submitted, or transmitted to a computer system-

A . input
B . output
C . data
D . circuitry

55. Manipulating data to create information is known as

A . feedback
B . programming
C . processing
D . analysis

56. _________ represents raw facts, whereas _______ is data made meaningful.

A . Information, reporting
B . Data, information
C . Information, bits
D . Records, bytes

57. Hardware used to translate words, sounds, images, and actions that people understand into a form that the system unit can process is known as ...........

A . device drivers
B . device readers
C . input devices
D . output devices

58. The ……….. tells instructions.

B . control unit
C . system unit
D . motherboard

59. The information processing cycle includes the following process

A . input, processing, output, storage
B . input, output, manipulation, arithmetic
C . data, processing, printing, editing
D . storage, display, data, information

60. The arithmetic/logic unit performs the following

A . checks data for accuracy
B . does calculations using division
C . does logical comparisons, such as equal to, greater than, less than
D . does both calculations and logical comparisons
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