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Alexander's Invasion

1. Alexander was born in which year ?

A . 300 BC
B . 330 BC
C . 356 BC
D . 310 BC

2. In which year Alexander invaded India ?

A . 324 BC
B . 326 BC
C . 323 BC
D . 316 BC

3. When Alexander invaded India, who was the king at that time ?

A . Ajatashatru
B . Mahapadma Nanda
C . Dhana Nanda
D . Kalashoka

4. Which among the following dynasties were ruleing over Magadha when Alexander invaded India ?

A . Mauryan Dynasty
B . Nanda Dynasty
C . Shishunaga Dynasty
D . Haryanka Dynasty

5. On the bank of which river, the Battle of Hydaspas was fought ?

A . Vitasta
B . Purushni
C . Sutudri
D . Sadanir

6. In which year Battle of Hydaspas was fought ?

A . 330 BC
B . 321 BC
C . 365 BC
D . 326 BC

7. The Battle of Hydaspas was fought between :

A . Alexander and Darius
B . Alexander and Porus
C . Darius and Porus
D . Alexander and Dhana Nanda

8. Battle of Hydaspas was fought on the bank of which river ?

A . Ravi
B . Son
C . Sutlej
D . Jhelum

9. In which year Alexander was died ?

A . 365 BC
B . 326 BC
C . 320 BC
D . 323 BC

10. At which place Alexander was died ?

A . Kabul
B . Babylon
C . Pesawar
D . Dalyan