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Endocrine System

1. The scientific study of ductless glands is called :

A . Nephrology
B . Nndocrinolog
C . Neurology
D . Hepatology

2. Endocrine glands secretes _________.

3. Hormones were discovered by

A . Ernest Starling & William Bayliss
B . Ernest Sarling & Thomas Addison
C . Thomas Addison & Karl Landsteiner
D . Julius Adler & Adam Afzelius

4. Who is considered as the Father of Endocrinology ?

A . Alexander Agassiz
B . Thomas Addison
C . William Aiton
D . Joel Asaph Allen

5. Which endocrine gland maintains homeostasis ?

A . Pituitary gland
B . Pineal gland
C . Adrenal gland
D . Hypothalamus gland

6. Which of the folowing endocrine glands is NOT present in human brain ?

A . Hypothalamus gland
B . Pituitary gland
C . Thymus gland
D . Pineal gland

7. Which is the smallest endocrine gland found in human body ?

A . Pineal gland
B . Pituitary gland
C . Thyroid gland
D . Thymus gland

8. Pituitary gland is present in which part of the human body ?

A . In the Brain
B . In the Neck
C . In the Thorasick Cavity
D . In the upper part of the Liver

9. Which of the following endocrine glands is called as the 'Master Gland' ?

A . Hypothalamus
B . Adrenal
C . Testes
D . Pituitary

10. Which endocrine glang secreates growth hoemone ?

A . Pituitary gland
B . Adrenal gland
C . Parathyroid gland
D . Hypothalamus gland